The Ruins of Thundertree


After we razed Iarno's manor, we wasted no time and headed for the Ruins of Thundertree and the Druid Reidoth.

It was night when we arrived and headed for the first intact house we could see. It had the only green tree in the entire ruined town growing through its roof.

The withered trees all around us began to move and attacked before we even made it to the building. Some of us, including myself, were knocked unconscious.

As the trees were striking at us, and we thought we were finally getting the upper hand, two young green dragons cried out and attacked.

We lost Winter, but Stellara was able to bring her back.

After we killed the Tree Blight, it appeared its dark heart remained. Skylar finally hits the heart? with her mace and a quarter staff is thrown out of the crack she creates.

Monster Note: Tree Blight and Twig Blights (per Reidoth). The tree had grappling arms and a large maw for a mouth. This was the largest tree blight he had ever seen. Didn't seem to like fire very much.

And the Young Green Dragons, well, they were green dragons, just smaller. Though I have never seen Tyaa so happy and angry all at the same time.

Tyaa did succeed in dropping the quarter staff from the heart of the Tree Blight into the green tree in that intact building I told you about earlier. I don't know what happened inside the building, but a bright flash erupted and suddenly all the Twig Blights died out. I think it was Reidoth helping us.

In the midst of all this fighting, Benu spoke with Reidoth. Of course he's willing to tell us where Cragmaw Castle is . . . . but only after we finish clearing the Thundertree ruins of the darkness that has settled here. Another delay in getting to Istrid and clues about Ran's whereabouts. Everyone seems to want us to lay down our lives for them as if its some form of entertainment or something . . .

Now we're settling down in Thundertree for the night, we've cleaned out the worst of it (we think), so we should be safe to rest up till morning when we can finish the job.

The Next day...

So . . . not so safe . . . .

In the early, still dark morning, it seemed as if everything dead in the entire town must have been coming at us all at the same time.

Monster Note: Banshee. As it screams, it can rip your life force directly out of your body ( I know, it happened). Seemed resistant to everything we through at it . . .

Monster Note: Reidoth called them Accursed. Bugs covered them everywhere. Fire seemed to help with these.

Monster Note: Looked like gargoyles. Stone creatures. Tyaa said one looked like a miniature version of Elacramalacross - and it seemed the dragon was speaking through it.

Monster Note: Reavers. Seemed like grotesque humanoid constructs with four legs and weapons sticking out. Hard to damage these with anything we threw at them.

Monster Note: a stinking, crawling mound of dead bodies attacked the building. Trella made a daring escape through a hole in the ceiling.

I don't feel like reliving that fight on paper, just look at the Monster Notes and use your imagination. It took everything we had, but we made it through to the dawn. And finally, the ruins of Thundertree have been cleared.

Side note - Stellara and Benu are terrifying in their giant animal forms. It seems all of us are getting stronger . . . .

Items found this morning: We skinned the green dragons for their scales last night, Banshee's mortal body was wearing studded leather armor.

Elsewhere in town: Potion of Superior Healing, Immovable Rod, Boots of Speed, Longsword, Enchanted Anvil, two 3rd level spell scrolls, Rope of Climbing, Amulet of Health, Bag of Holding, Boots of Striding and Springing, Decanter of Endless Water, Bracers of Defense, and the Poison Tongue Rapier.

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