The Crucible


As I sat in that room, then touched the Crucible, I could hear it being used. Then I was able to see it being used. I think it was a Stone Giant placing magic items into the Crucible, then extracting bars of magical metal and placing them on a pile. The pile was very large. I could also hear horrible screams in the background. Maybe something to do with the Soul Engine??

We used magic to reduce the Crucible's size and stuffed it into Benu's Bag of Holding.

Outside, a growing storm forced us to rush back down the mountain to Ironmaster. Cold and windy . . .

The dwarves let our horses inside, but not us. We had to stay inside the magical hut. In the morning we gave them the great axe and their king promised he would send dwarves to Bryn Shander for the winter.

Items Found in the Cave: Ring of Protection +1, Cloak of Displacement, 3 arrows of Dragon Slaying, and the Crucible - which upon further examination, we think we might be able to use.

In the morning we continued our travel to Luskin. Of course, we didn't get too far until we happened upon a caravan that had been attacked by Frost Giants. Looking at their tracks and comparing to our map, we decided they were heading to the town of Hundlestone. Benu convinced the rest of us we should track them down before they reach the town.

We found them. We killed them. We took their thumbs (for the bounty).

We went on into Hundelstone to warn them of the overall Frost Giant threat and met a halfling named Thwip Ironbottom. He and Skylar seemed to get along quite well. Also, he knew of Lifferlas and the tree's Elf friend. Apparently she makes Giant killing arrows. But he hasn't seen her lately.

When we went off road to kill the giants, we left Siroc with the horses. Remember him? He's the Frost Giant attracter travelling with us to Luskin. Anyway, we told him to meet us at the Crossroads, a small outpost along the road to Luskin.

It turned out to be an old temple turned into a tavern called Xantharl's Rest. The place is run by a half-ogre called Azarthra. W e are now sitting here conferring and sipping hot cider. What are we conferring about? Guess who served us our hot cider: none other than the Weevil. We are trying to figure out what to do with him . . .

A loud noise just came from upstairs. Now another one. Winter has gone outside.

She just yelled back inside: Something about Ogres launching goblins at the building. There might be a Frost Giant involved.

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