Rollin in the Deep


We continued asking the Weevil questions. He told us of an art object he took from the Fire Giants. A curved object about 3 feet long by 2 or 3 feet wide he says he left in Mirabar.

I can't help to wonder whether the Frost Giant and the Fire Giants were at the Inn looking for the same person. Something just seems off about this situation. He insisted he did NOT steal anything from the Frost Giant.

Anyway, the Black Root spoke to Winter at length. In exchange for Winter telling Black Root about her Blight Staff, Black Root told Winter of Shakar and his hunters coming to her Grove. Shikar offered the strength of the Zentarim and an alliance between the Grove and his master, The Hidden. Sound familiar? We now know of another group aligned with Slar Krethal. She said she sent him on his way.

We made a deal with Black Root. She will keep the Weevil here, safe for the most part. She will hand him back to us when we bring her gem back. In order to help find it, Trella looked for a picture of it in her mind (with permission). He saw her holding the gem against the elf statue. As she held it, it seemed to lose its glow. As we left the Grove, Trella saw an aura around the elf statue. We are now more convinced than ever that this statue is Aerglas.

We will be back.

On our way back to the camp, the werewolf that guided us there said that Black Root uses the gem to make the arrows that Crinos uses. Crinos being a larger, well equipped werewolf that wandered around the Grove.

We finally made it back to the Inn, collected Sirac and hit the road to Luskan.

Four days later we arrived. We secured rooms at an inn Sirac suggested: the Crossed Hammers. It is near the port and not on the best side of town, but it is lively and seems filled with merry people in high spirits. The Innkeep is named Gaerta, a female who looks as if she might be a half-dwarf. I didn't know that could happen . . . .

She only had two rooms available, so I guess we are sharing quarters in this town.

After we settled in, Sirac guided us to a nicer area of the city to where his father's friend lives, Lord Zelraun Roaringhorn. The house sat in a walled estate. There was a party going on when we arrived, but Lord Zelraun took time away to speak with us. He walked and acted like an old adventurer, complete with scars on his face. After Sirac introduced us and spoke of the troubles he is having with the Frost Giants tracking him, Zelraun asked Siroc if he had seen Joycee yet. Sirac left the room.

An armored construct named Evit (?) served us appetizers. We spoke of adventuring and Lord Zelraun gave us a few tips, including this one: if you wear dragon armour aligned with the dragon you are fighting, it is helpful.

We told him of Slar Krethel and the war he is instigating.

Bennu asked him about the symbol he was wearing, it seemed familiar to her - from Waterdeep. He explained: when he was an adventurer, he and others wanted to ensure that magic and power was used correctly. They formed an organization with this in mind. It was focused on the Sword Coast. He had his seneschal bring out a box. In it was an amulet exactly like his and he handed it to me. He said anyone with a matching amulet will help us as much as they can and once a day we can use this to speak with him (Lord Zelraun).

In the same box, he withdrew a circlet worked in siver and gold. It had five gems inlaid in it. He called it Beldora's Helm. He explained we can use this to teleport up to 8 people to a teleportation circle we know or a place we know well. Stellara has stored it in her Bag of Holding for when we need it.

We said our goodbyes and went back to the Crossed Hammers to sleep.

In the morning, we received a message from Lord Zelraun: there is one fence in town who specializes in gems and jewels: a Dwarf named Mundi, he can be found near the port at the Broken Blade Inn.

Inns/Taverns in the morning are very dreary places. All the leftover revelers from the night before - the ones who were too drunk to walk home - are always scattered about barely able to wake up. Anyway, we asked the barkeep about Mundi, and after he goes upstairs we strike a conversation with a sailor in the bar. He tells us a wreck he saw as his ship, the Moon Maiden, was coming into port.

He said it was the Dancing Wave.

We find out the name of the Moon Maiden's Captain: Osk Thunderhale. More on this later.

Grumbling, a Dwarf in dirty, dented full plate came down the stairs. It's Mundi. We bartered and settled on 75 gold pieces for information on the blue gem. I guess nothing is free here. Turns out he sold it to a Captain Fergus Crabwater, of a ship called the Hellraiser.

As we left, Trella stole back the 75 gold and picked up a small, gem studded dagger along with it. Maybe some things are free here . . .

We headed to the dock.

Long story short, we were able to leave the letter from Duvessa to Inirva with Lord Coldwater, her husband. We also told him of the shipwreck. He gave us 30 gold to hire the Moon Maiden to go out on a search. He said Inirva wears an amulet of Sashelas in the shape of a dolphin.

We now have to deal with two problems at once; getting the gem and searching for Inirva. We determined that Fergus Crabwater and the Hellraiser were going to be in port for quite a few days - we had time there, so we boarded the Moon Maiden and set out to search for Inirva.

First time on a ship!!! Most of us handled it quite well. Bennu gakked once, Stellara was miserable the whole first day. Every few hours Tyaa flew around to make sure we weren't being followed and to scout ahead.

That first night, while we were eating, Trella's rapier began speaking to her in her mind again. The rapier glowed green and she had a blank look on her face. When she came out of it, she told us about the conversation. We have determined this: the voice from the rapier IS Elacrimalicros. He is not in the blade, he just uses it as a channel to speak. We think this is because he made the blade. Trella reminded us she found it in Thundertree, the same place we killed the two young'uns (Elacrimalicros' kids). Elacrimalicros hates us, but the only reason we are still alive is that he wants to learn the psychic magic Trella uses. Turns out Trella's mother was also gifted in this way.

Remember . . . Elacrimalacros is a gifted magic user who can craft spells.

The next day we arrived at the wreck site. The Dancing Wave had washed up against a small island. Tyaa arrived first. Fish men began stirring in the water. They wore clothes - one wore Inirva's hat and amulet.

The crew had been turned into Kuo-toa.

We docked next to the island. Tyaa and Benu went first. Benu was able to use her magics to change Inirva back to human, but it was a struggle. As the other Kua-toa came ashore, a Krake Spawn came with them. We succeeded in killing the Krake Spawn while keeping the newly formed Kua-toa alive. I used a wall of force to keep them corralled, but I'm not sure I will be able to build a construct in that shape again. Anyway . . . Capt. Niahm and his crew helped us put the fish folk to sleep.

On our trip back to Luskan, Bennu was able to transform back all the sailors, though it became harder and harder each day. It seems as if we had waited any longer, their humanity would have been completely gone and we wouldn't have been able to get them back.

Back in Luskan, Captain Inirva Coldwater is very grateful. She helps us secure a deal with Captain Fergus Crabwater to buy the gem back. We are now sitting at lunch with him in his cabin. I suppose it is rude to be writing while eating, but . . . . too bad. Fergus seems friendly, but I think it is a front. He is asking too many questions of us and our magic items. He is asking questions of me. Stellara is looking more and more concerned as she is looking around . . . .

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