Ideas Before You Begin


Click on the title of this post for the full information.  We are playing in the world of the Forgotten Realms. If you don't know what that means, it is basically one of the cannon settings in D&D with a bajillion books, supplements, and whatnot written for it.

Characters are young, barely 1st level, and are essentially teenagers just getting ready to start their adventuring days. Play starts in the small village of Nightstone, where the players have lived for at least a year in this small community, getting to know folks, potentially being raised there.

When the game starts the first session will basically tell the story of what happens to get these friends to leave Nightstone and go adventure, as they head to the city of Waterdeep where a bulk of the campaign will occur. This will allow the players to learn about Waterdeep at the same time as their characters.

Don't worry about trying to create a balanced party...focus on playing something that sounds fun.  There are many resources to get info about races, classes, backgrounds, and more.  I will detail as much as I can on this webpage but I am always available for questions.  I have posted info on the characters created so far on the Player Characters tab.

Race should probably be the first thing you pick. You can probably be any race you like, I haven't found one I couldn't work in yet. A great visual and general breakdown for playable races is here:

Then class. Again, any class. Keep in mind you are an early adventurer with little formal training. Don't worry if someone else has the same or a similar class. In 5th edition, at third level each class goes into a specialization option with 6 or more choices of where to go.

Pick a Background:

Pick whatever background works, keeping in mind you are young and have been in Nightstone for at least a year. The Background helps you narrow down a selection of Traits, Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws to choose from the flesh out your character.

Rolling stats: You can use the point buy system (explained in the book or laid out in the app). Or you can use the "Lenny Array". The Lenny Array is the set of 6 stats that Lenny rolled up and we all know Lenny is going to roll better than anyone else. When using the Lenny Array you put the rolled stat into whichever attribute and then add or subtract the racial modifier. If using the app you plug these in under the 'custom" tab when doing your stats. The Lenny Array is: 18, 16, 14, 13, 12, 10.

Choose the basic equipment for your character (the app helps you through this). You will be a bit limited in armor (nothing more expensive than Chain Mail). Technically, when we first start play you won't have your equipment yet, but you will get it within the first session so go ahead and pick it now.

Final step is to pick an alignment. This is more of a guide for you or way to communicate how you see your character.

Once your character is done, all I need is:










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