A Hero’s Burial, A Journey’s Birth
Rolf has been obscured by earth, buried and beyond our sight. Perhaps now the mysteries behind his attack may be revealed.
Krentz came to the funeral...I have no idea how he might have learned of Rolf's death, but it does not surprise me that he would try and profit from it. I don't know the dark dwarf that accompanied him, but the companions tell me he bore the mark of the Xanathar's guild, an ill omen for sure as the Xanathar's were ever a force for evil in Waterdeep and ones that the Doom Raiders frequently found themselves in conflict with.

I hope the companions do not mind my own trickery in dealing with Rolf's will. I am sure had he put down his desires in his own hand they would have reflected what I wrote for him. I trust Montgomery because Rolf trusted him. I am sure he will find an appropriate way to dispense with his property in good time and in a manner that benefits Nightstone more than himself.
However, the most important occurrence is that the companions have now traveled to the city of splendors, to Waterdeep.

Within the walls of Waterdeep I hope they will be able to find and warn the remaining members of the Doom Raiders and perhaps discover what Alice is attempting to do with the Lich's crown and why she chose now as the time to find and kill my friend.
My powerlessness vexes me beyond belief. While I was never a great warrior, I could handle a blade well enough and with word and power could sway a battle to victory. But now I am nothing but words. Empty words on a page that will never be filled.
I hope the companions can divine the truth behind what is happening and ensure my friend is avenged and the others warned. They have met Durnan, perhaps he can give them help, or at least an indication of where to start. It may take some time and some coin to be able to locate everything they need to see this through. At least in the Yawning Portal they may find employment and opportunity.

Waterdeep is a constantly shifting shore that obscures an ocean of intrigue. This will not be an easy task and I hope the companions have the grit to see it through. However, if their first night here is any indication, they should be fine. They have the strength of will to save a stranger from a gang of Xanathar thugs and to take on a troll from the Undermountain. I am sure whatever Waterdeep throws at them they will be able to survive and thrive in this new arena.