A Friend in Need
Waterdeep may be an even more complicated nest of intrigue than I remember!

I overheard the companions deliver their news to Durnan. I suppose I could have guessed at the relationship. Rolf rarely spoke of it but he was often uncomfortable in the Yawning Portal. I still don't know what caused the rift between them, perhaps a mystery for another day as it seems we already have quite enough to deal with and have only been within the city for a few hours.
In Yagra we have found a link to Ziraj and many of the other Doom Raiders. It seems my old paladin friend, along with Istrid and Skeemo, have become connected to the Zentarim. When last I was in Waterdeep, the Zentarim were known as being honorable, if not always specifically law abiding.

I know the the Zhentarim, sometimes known as the Black Network, as a mercenary company and greater mercantile organization with roots all across Faerûn. To my knowledge they have existed over 200 years, with a storied history as a cadre of self-serving thieves, spies, assassins and wizards. For some time their greatest stronghold was Zhentil Keep in the Moonshae Isles but I heard there had been some sort of strife that lead to its destruction some years back. I also remember hearing of a wizard Manshoon and how he was a leader within the organization, but unfortunately, know little more of them than that.

Perhaps the companions will root out this mystery while warning the remaining Doom Raiders but I hope they will not get caught in the middle of some civil war between the factions within the Zentarim.
The Xanathar's make it more complicated of course, having an entire guild of monsters boiling up from the Undermountain will make trying to do anything in this city both difficult and dangerous. Beholders are dangerous creatures, and from what I hear the Xanathar is among the most dangerous of them. Having an army doing his bidding just extends his reach and makes it harder to escape his notice.

I find it the timing strange though, and wonder what it is that has caused these organizations to build to war at the same time Alice made her move against Rolf and stole back the crown...
At least the companions have found work and perhaps a way to gain allies while in Waterdeep. This Volo, appears to have been rightly concerns about the disappearance of his friend Floon. Unfortunately it sounds as if Floon has somehow gotten himself pulled into the conflict between the Zents and the Xanathars. I don't know what Rene Neverember has to do with this or why he thinks the Zentarim or Xanathar would want to take him.

Another mystery, hopefully one the companions can survive and perhaps use to make a name for themselves. Speaking of which, while walking the streets of Waterdeep, I overheard some of them discussing a name for their band, "The Shepherds of Vengeance". It has a nice sound to it. A name that a good bard could certainly tie some songs to! Here's to hoping they survive long enough to have that name become known within the city. I have faith in their strength and cunning, but the dangers of Waterdeep are many and they have already found themselves in the midst of those dangers with little security or safe haven. I would have them live long lives full of adventure and triumph.
May the blessings of whatever gods they pray to keep them safe.