Damara's Journal

From the Journals of Damara Borafin, Wizard of the Night Raiders

I don't think we have ever made the ride to Nightstone faster than we did this morning. When we arrived, boulders had been used to destroy the buildings. The large obelisk in the middle of town was gone. Hill Giants were still tearing pieces off our houses. I think I counted six giants. Bug Bears, Orcs and Goblins wandered around...

Vajra looked awful. They have their hands full with Intellect Devourers and a man of metal with a squid head running around. She seemed tired, short of patience, and quite frankly, seemed willing to do just about anything to get rid of these things.

We were attacked in the passageway outside the room. It seemed as if Mormosk sent everything he had left in order to stop us. Ghouls, Specters, Ghasts and even a green glowing, floating skull tried to kill us.

Today when we returned home from a shopping trip, Montgomery and Elandra were in the manor. Visitors from Nightstone! And they brought presents!!!!

After we razed Iarno's manor, we wasted no time and headed for the Ruins of Thundertree and the Druid Reidoth.

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