Character Building

Where Adventures Begin

Use this app for creating and updating characters. $3 for the full version that allows you to level up characters. If you want to avoid the $3 cost you can create a level 1 character, export it to me, and I can level up on my phone when needed. You still need to transfer by hand to a paper...

Click on the title of this post for the full information. We are playing in the world of the Forgotten Realms. If you don't know what that means, it is basically one of the cannon settings in D&D with a bajillion books, supplements, and whatnot written for it.

There are about a dozen families in Nightstone you may know or have interacted with before play. Three primary NPCs exist and you should try and connect yourself to at least one of them in your backstory. You should determine who you are living with in Nightstone, whether you have grown up there, or if you have only been there the last year. ...

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